Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Jedi Bean

Joshie has been watching a lot of Star Wars recently. He's seen all but Episode 3. He likes to get his baseball bat and swing it around while saying "Wha-pshhh, wha-pshhh". I'm betting that by next Halloween we'll have to make a Luke Skywalker costume.

Here's some content...

This post isn't really about anything - just to get some pictures up that we've taken in the past few months. Hopefully I can get in the habit of posting a few pictures of things when they happen.

Joshie with Grandpa Keel

With Grandpa Willoughby

Playing guitar with dada

With Lizzie on the new lot during construction

Playing in his new house

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fine! We surrender!

Due to the pressures of our families we have finally caved and created a blog. The goal of this blog will simply be to keep people more up to date about the big stuff going on in our lives, especially those people we don't get to see very often. If we CAN see you often but just don't, we'd much rather have you come visit and play games than look at our blog. So only look at our blog if you can't come see us in person. :)