Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Jedi Bean

Joshie has been watching a lot of Star Wars recently. He's seen all but Episode 3. He likes to get his baseball bat and swing it around while saying "Wha-pshhh, wha-pshhh". I'm betting that by next Halloween we'll have to make a Luke Skywalker costume.


cassidy said...

That is so cute! How did he like Jar-Jar? Meesa love Joshie muy muy!

James the Bames said...

I think that Joshie needs to see episode three ASAP. He needs to know that while swinging a light-saber around might seem like fun, he is teetering dangerously close to abandoning all that he stands for and embracing the evil core that lies deep at the center of every human soul. Good luck, little Jedi Bean, and may The Force be with you.

Jolynn said...

Next thing we know, Joshie will be saying, "Meesa go pee pee and poo poo."

hillari said...

very cute! Too bad I didn't know about this a few weeks ago and I could have picked you up some lightsabers on clearance at Walmart for $1.50

hillari said...

we need an update from the family keel, you know!

cassidy said...

We want a post! We want a post! We want a post!