Saturday, October 31, 2009

All Hallows' Eve

Well, everybody is going to be posting their Halloween stuff, so we thought we'd get a jump on it. Friday we went to the Omniture party and had a blast. Charlie fell asleep and Josh went from area to area loving every minute of it (except for the pirates in the Peter Pan scene and any witch we happened to run into). We went straight from there to Lizzy's extended family party. Liz's costume was a huge hit. When we walked in people started gathering around, laughing in amazement/disgust. There was good food and lots of games for the kids.

Today we took turns taking Josh around the neighborhood. At first he was very excited and was saying "Happy Halloween, Kid!" to everybody we ran into. He liked looking around at all the other costumes he recognized. After a while, though, he kind of pooped out, and we ended up sitting on the porch with him the rest of the night handing out candy. All in all it was a fun weekend. Here's some pics:

Junice from the SNL Lawrence Welk show spoof.

Stuart from Mad TV.

Lizzy's major award.

Sinead O'Connor

Liz made this entire costume, minus the inflatable wings.

Josh will be eating candy for a long time coming (as if he needs any more energy).


Anonymous said...

Best costumes ever. Truly. Next time we get together the girls can reenact the skit. Holli can be Holly, Cass can be Janice, Hillari can be Nora, and Liz is JU-NIIIIICE!!!

Salty Gal said...

You guys rock...seriously your costumes have cracked me up.

Buzzes costume totally rocks too!

Good job on the Halloween this year, you are so creative.

Salty Gal said...

oh my gosh, I just noticed your arms...i'm laughing so hard...gosh I love you liz!

Lexi said...

ummm ronquillos what about me??? well liz im glad we talked about snl and received the inspiration for your costume. it is hilarious! josh makes a good buzz. he is so cute. and i like jake's make up!

Jolynn said...

Those costumes turned out even better than I thought they would! Jake's blush made his, and Lizzy, yours was just awesome! Did you wear them to the omneture party too? Joshie looks so cute in his Buzz costume. Great job, Liz! Did Charlie just go as himself?

cassidy said...

Guys, your costumes are hilarious! I love Liz's - it is exactly like the skit! I agree with the ronquillos - a reenactment is in order. Lex can be Janice, since I probably will never get to go home again. Stuart looks pretty funny too. I haven't watched those in forever, but Jake looks exactly like Stuart! And Liz did an awesome job on Joshie's Buzz costume! It looks just like Buzz.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh...those pictures of Liz are so gross! And Jake, you do the Stuie face perfectly! You guys are so funny, and that baby is so dang cute!

hillari said...

I totally forgot to leave a comment the first time around on these...(not that you leave comments on mine or anything) they are hilarious! I've never seen that SNL, but I think I need to go view it. Your costumes are the funniest ever! I can't believe how good Joshie's costume looks too! Awesome!